Hyman Walborsky Memorial Collection

by Aileen Walborsky-Josephs

Scope and Content

In Folders 1-6, including items pertaining to her grandparents' and father's lives, and her own life and work. Folder 7 holds the lists of the items that she donated to the Price Library providing also biographical background to them.

Folder 1 holds a photo album with pictures that record the life of different family members in Poland and the United States. A list of names of the pictures on the photographs is also enclosed. A DVD with the digitized photos in the album is also attached. In Folder 2 Israel Wolborsky's documents (passports, marriage contract, other official documents) are held. Letters, postcards, and a hand-written address booklet in Yiddish and English are in Folder 3. Sarah Walborsky's funeral documentation is in Folder 4. Aileen Josephs's Bar Mitzvah album can be found in Folder 5; in Folder 6, there is a screenplay from 2009 titled Crossing Borders by Josephs based on a case she worked on as well as the documentary Persecuting Crimes of the State about legal persecution of crimes against humanity that she produced in 1991. Her speech delivered in December 2009 at the L' Dor V' Dor Congregation in Lake Worth to commemorate her father is also attached.

Tags: University of FloridaHyman WalborskyCollection

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Aileen (Walborsky) Josephs '86

Date: Oct. 20, 2020 by Brandeis Alumni Association

Aileen Josephs is invited by the Brandeis Alumni Association

An immigration attorney in Palm Beach County, Florida, Aileen (Walborsky) Josephs ’86 has been recognized for her defense of immigrants’ civil and human rights, and in particular for her work with neglected Guatemalan and Haitian children. The daughter of a Venezuelan mother and an American-born father whose parents escaped Poland before the Holocaust, she credits her work with Salvadoran refugees in Waltham as a Brandeis undergraduate with sparking her interest in immigration policy.

Tags: Hispanic HeritageHolocaustBrandeis

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West Palm Beach Police ramping up patrols to protect undocumented workers

Date: Jan. 20, 2020 by Kristen Chapman • CBS12

Aileen Josephs is interviewed by Kristen Chapmen, CBS12

The West Palm Beach Police Department says it's working to add more patrols to an area along Broadway Avenue where locals say undocumented workers are being victimized.

On 44th Street and Broadway Boulevard, undocumented workers often meet to be picked up for various jobs.

Tags: WPB PoliceUndocumentedProtect

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Maya America Journal of Essays, Commentary and Analysis

Date: May 4, 2020 by The Institutional Repository of Kennesaw State University

l-r: Jonathan, Aileen and Mitchell Josephs [Photo by Tom Tracy Photography]

Maya America is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed, digital, bilingual and open access publication currently hosted by the Maya Heritage Community Project. Topics accepted include economic well-being, public policy, education, human rights, law and legal matters, advocacy, art, and opinion. We welcome a mix of points of view, updates of previous research or research in progress, and creative literary works that carry a message.

» See the Current Issue: Volume 2, Number 1 (2020)
» See the Immigration Policy – Reporting from the Field

Tags: MayaAmericaJournal

Palm Beach Synagogue celebrated its 26th anniversary with gala at The Colony

Date: March 27, 2020 by Carla Trivino - Palm Beach Daily News

l-r: Jonathan, Aileen and Mitchell Josephs [Photo by Tom Tracy Photography]

West Palm Beach - The Palm Beach Synagogue celebrated its 26th anniversary with a sold-out gala at The Colony hotel. Nearly 225 people attended the Feb. 16 event including President Michael Scharf and Rabbi Moshe and Dinie Scheiner.

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New look at conditions at Homestead migrant camp; attorney urges holistic solutions

Date: June 17, 2019 by Chuck Weber - CBS12

Immigration attorney Aileen Josephs encouraged by just-filed legislation that would allow asylum-seekers to file in their home countries

West Palm Beach - A new picture has emerged of conditions at the Homestead camp for unaccompanied immigrant children.

The revelations come in a document filed in recent days in federal court in California.

Tags: CBS12HomesteadCampMigrant

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ACLU and other coalitions issue travel advisory in Florida ahead of controversial immigration bills

Date: Apr. 9, 2019 by Aileen Josephs

Immigration attorney Aileen Josephs talks about ACLU Travel Advisory in Florida

A travel alert issued by the American Civil Liberties Union, Florida Immigrant Coalition, and other groups aims to warn anyone traveling to Florida that they could be victims of racial profiling, unjust detention, and deportation, under Senate Bill 168 and House Bill 527.

Tags: ACLUTravelFloridaAdvisory

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month - Out of the Shadows: Serving High-risk Communities

Date: Oct. 3, 2017 by Aileen Josephs

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the “Day of Unity” held in October, 1981. The intent was to connect advocates across the country who were working to end violence against women and their children. The Day of Unity soon became an entire week devoted to a range of activities conducted at the local, state and national level.

Tags: DomesticViolenceCoalitionAwareness

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Border patrol takes three into custody on West Palm street corner

Date: Aug. 17, 2017 posted by The Palm Beach PostArrest, US Border Patrol, immigrants

Thirty-two-year-old Harin Agustin poses for a portrait holding a photo of his older brother, Eugenio Danilo Agustin, in front of his West Palm Beach, Fla., home on Wednesday, August 16, 2017. On Monday, Eugenio and two other men were taken into custody by Border Patrol agents near the intersection of 44th Street and Broadway Avenue. (Andres Leiva / The Palm Beach Post)

West Palm Beach - For the past two years, Eugenio Augustin Guzaro stood curbside on 44th Street and Broadway in West Palm Beach and waited to secure work as a day laborer.

That routine ended Monday afternoon when Augustin Guzaro, 44, and two unidentified men were taken into custody on that same street corner by U.S. Border Patrol agents.

Tags: ArrestUS Border Patrol ImmigrantWest Palm Beach

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Hyman Walborsky Memorial Collection donated to the Price Library

Date: JUL. 29, 2017 by Collectanea

Article on the University of Florida newsletter, Collectanea

This is part of the Quarterly E-Newsletter publication of the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica at the University of Florida.

Tags: CollectaneaUninversity of FloridaPrice LibraryHyman Walborsky

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Aileen Josephs, la abogada de los inmigrantes

Date: JUL. 7, 2017 posted by Aurelio Moreno, refugiados, abogada

Aileen Josephs, la abogada de los inmmigrantes

West Palm Beach, FL - Los inmigrantes en el condado de Palm Beach no están solos, particularmente los niños y los más vulnerables.

Gracias a la abogada de inmigración Aileen Josephs, miles de extranjeros que han llegado al sur de Florida en los últimos 25 años en busca de una mejor vida han logrado su sueño.

Tags: InmigraciónAbogadaInmigranteRefugiados

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El valor de los ddhh de los refugiados

Date: OCT. 6 posted by Alberto Pérez Reverónon , refugiados, Alemania

AUSTRALIA - Lo que era el día a día rutinario de la guardia costera del mediterráneo europeo, se ha convertido en una odisea entre defender sus fronteras y actuar en consecuencia del valor que tienen los DDHH de cientos de refugiados que llegan a las costas.

Desde el inicio

La primavera árabe, movimiento espontaneo donde los ciudadanos salían a las calles para instaurar gobierno democráticos, o al menos intentarlos, se inició en países como Sudan, Etiopia y Egipto trasladándose hasta Siria, donde el presidente Bashar Al-Assad gobernaba de manera tiránica al igual que su antecesor, su padre.

Tags: InmigraciónAlemaniaAustriaRefugiados

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Aileen Josephs: Abogada local ayuda Inmigrantes

Date: SEPT. 17 posted by Tania Rogerson , attorney, support

WEST PALM BEACH, FL — Aileen Josephs tiene un misión en la vida - ayudar a los Mayas y otros inmigrantes que llegan al Condado Palm Beach. Por su labor humanitaria, ella es una de cuatro líderes latinos que WTPV honra en el mes de la Hispanidad. 

Tags: ImmigrationAbogada localJosephs

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Immigration crisis takes center stage at Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County

Date: APRIL 29 posted by Laura Santoson , government, crisis

Senator Marco Rubio said of his bill for students in the country illegally, 'I have not been discouraged by anybody in my party.' - photo: Jewel Samad/Agence France-Presse - Getty Image

WEST PALM BEACH, FL — As Jupiter police held a news conference Monday morning about charging three young men with a hate crime in the death of a Hispanic immigrant in the city, about 50 people were gathered at the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County to hear from a representative of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS) about the human tragedy that is playing out not only in the United States and Latin America, but in the rest of the world.

Tags: ImmigrationCrisisCrime

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With G.O.P.’s Ear, Rubio Pushes Dream Act Proposal

Date: 11 AUGUST posted by Aileen Josephson , government, feds 46 Comments

Senator Marco Rubio said of his bill for students in the country illegally, 'I have not been discouraged by anybody in my party.' - photo: Jewel Samad/Agence France-Presse - Getty Image

MIAMI — When Senator Marco Rubio first floated his compromise version of the Dream Act — the bill, now stalled, that would grant some students in the United States illegally a path to citizenship — the chances of reviving the politically charged issue in Congress seemed as dim as the chances of snuffing out attack ads on the campaign trail.

On Thursday, Speaker John A. Boehner said as much, calling it “difficult at best” to take up the issue in the House, where Republicans are pushing for greater border security, not more forgiving laws. But Mr. Boehner did not close the door, saying “there is always hope” and adding that Mr. Rubio had spoken to him about his proposal.

Tags: ImmigrationSenateMarco Rubio

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immigration News

Date: 10 JUNE posted by Aileen Josephson , , 46 Comments

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Friday she is “disturbed and outraged” after she was informed by federal officials that not only has the government been shipping illegal immigrants out of Texas and “dumping” them in her state, it has no plans to stop.

Tags: ImmigrationArizonaGovernor

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Book News

Date: 6 JUNE posted by Aileen Josephson , , books 2 Comments

Children's book writer Rebecca Hinson shows not only how Statue of Liberty was built but also the meaning of its construction. Recommended

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Date: 14 MAY posted by Anarielon , , 6 Comments

Our broken immigration system has affected millions of people in different ways. Those that have been affected by our system know the devastation it can cause to our lives and to those of our families. But millions more do not—and we need to change that.

Tags: SystemReformfamily

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